Tree Bracing

When planting young trees, a basic prerequisite to ensure proper growth is that they are properly secured. This securing must be done quickly, gently and cost-effectively. GEFA Fabritz tree bracing systems have been fulfilling these criteria for years.

The textile GEFA Premium tree bracing webbing keeps trees in the proper position during the critical infancy phase. This webbing looks good and is high quality, gentle and inexpensive to install.

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Specialist advisor Dipl.-Ing. Andre Carstens

Your initial contact in case of queries concerning the securing of young trees and the planning of automatic irrigation systems.

+49 (0) 2151 / 49 47 41
Email Andre Carstens
Premium tree bracing webbing

Premium tree bracing webbing

The initial 3 years of life are the critical infancy phase for trees. If a young tree is battered by high winds, its newly-formed fine roots will not be able to withstand these forces and will tear. This will cause the tree to lose stability at an early stage, and it may start to lean as it grows. Traditional stake bracing using three stakes is easy to set up, and therefore a popular method. However, coconut cord binders are time-consuming to install, and have to be retightened at intervals. In addition, these natural fibres rot quickly and look unattractive.


• Can be more quickly applied than coconut cord • No retightening necessary • Gentle on bark and cambium • No material remaining after processing

Product Characteristics

• Polyester fabric in modified weave • Complete with "growth expander" and therefore more elastic than conventional fabric binders • Highly tear-resistant • UV protected • Weather proof

BUy GEFA tree straps
Premium tree tie straps

Premium tree tie straps

The GEFA tree binding made of brown polyester premium belt is available in three different versions for conventional post binding. The tree tie strap is used for smaller trees, bale-free goods and the required collision protection.

Product variants GEFA Fabritz Premium tree tie strap:

- Premium tree tie strap 30 mm wide, on a 100 m roll.
- Premium tree tie strap 48 mm wide, on a 100 m roll.
- Premium tree tie strap 66 mm wide, on a 50 m roll.

Low tree bracing

Low tree bracing

PRODUCTION VARIATIONS GEFA tree bracing webbing 48 mm wide, polyester, brown, each on a 100 m roll GEFA tree bracing webbing Premium+ for low bracing 66 mm wide, polyester, brown, on 50 m roll. Plants grow in response to requirements (thigmomorphogenesis). Low tree bracing is used to ensure that young trees are still able to move. This increased freedom of movement has a positive influence on the growth of a plant, and the tree forms a sturdier trunk. Low tree bracing requires trees to be fastened to only approximately one third of the usual bracing height. In Great Britain, Scandinavia and the Netherlands, low tree bracing has in the meantime become the standard method of tree bracing.

Advantages of low tree bracing

• Cost-effective • Saves raw materials

The bark on young trees is highly sensitive. A protective hose placed around the trunk prevents it from being rubbed. Tests by the Landesversuchsanstalt (State Research Institute) in Quedlinburg have shown that the risk of bracing or cords growing into the bark is extremely low for GEFA tree bracing webbing. In spite of this: we recommend that you monitor bracing regularly! The tree bracing can be removed after three years. If fastened to a support for too long, the trunk of the upper half of a tree will grow substantially thicker than the lower half.

Tree binding protective tube

Tree binding protective tube

The protective hose prevents rubbing on the bark in wind and weather. The pressure distribution and the protection against rubbing play an important role both for the service life of the built-in safety components and for the trees themselves. That is why we carry a wide range of pure protective hoses, pressure-distributing rub protection and loop tapes.

The tree binding should be removed after 3 years. If it is attached to a support for too long, the trunk of the upper half becomes much stronger than that of the lower half.

Buy protective hose

    During the first three years of its life, the tree is in a sensitive growth phase. Strong winds can move the young tree, causing newly formed fine roots to tear as they are not yet strong enough. This leads to early instability and can result in crooked growth. The traditional three-post binding system with GEFA Fabritz bindings is easy to install and is a popular choice.

    Buy Tree Bindings

Young tree stabilization


A tree transplanted from a nursery to a new location, such as a pedestrian zone or roadside, requires stabilization to protect it from tipping over or shifting. Newly planted trees have not yet developed sufficient roots to stabilize themselves. Wind, pedestrian traffic, or vehicles could damage the tree or move it out of position.

Stabilization ensures the tree remains firmly anchored in the ground during its first years until it is strong enough to grow without support.

The anchoring must not damage or impair the function of the trunk, crown, or roots.

Young tree stabilization


In Germany, various DIN standards, as well as guidelines and recommendations from the FLL (Research Society for Landscape Development and Landscaping) and other organizations, are relevant for tree planting. These standards and recommendations provide essential specifications and advice for the proper planting and care of trees. These standards and guidelines cover topics such as planting, soil excavation, tree substrates, and maintenance, including tree stabilization.
All GEFA products in the field of young tree stabilization naturally comply with legal requirements and can be used in accordance with applicable regulations.

You can find several interesting FLL products in their online shop. Access it by clicking the button below.

FLL Tree Planting

Young tree stabilization


The easy installation and familiar appearance in urban streetscapes are strong arguments for why traditional post binding is still widely used for tree planting. At GEFA Fabritz, you can choose between proven, durable, and reusable textile tree tying straps (along with the necessary accessories) and straps made from 100% natural jute fiber.

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Young tree stabilization


The method of stabilizing a tree underground has been established and widely accepted for decades. With this approach, newly planted trees are stabilized by anchoring the root ball in the soil. GEFA’s Treelock® ball anchoring system uses special straps that are tightened around the ball and secured underground with earth anchors, ensuring the tree is firmly fixed. Invisible security and proven “longer” root growth during the first years of establishment. 

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Young tree stabilization


There are conditions such as particularly strong winds, exposed locations, exceptionally large trees, or plants with low root stability, including bare-rooted stock, that require special anchoring. The GEFA tree anchoring system is ideal for these situations. Steel cables (or textile ropes) stabilize the tree by stretching cables (with friction protection) from the tree crown to ground anchors. The steel cables are attached to the crown and secure the tree externally against wind or mechanical influences.

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We are here to assist.

Our internal sales team is happy to assist you in selecting the optimal solution for securing your young trees. You can contact us via our central hotline and/or central email. Katharina Heinrich, Wowa Schulteis, and Sadi Abu Hamoud are here to advise you.

+49 (0) 2151 / 49 47 49


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