Liquid, low-chloride complete fertilizer for trees and shrubs.
for optimising greenery, flowering plants and crops.
for optimising heavily degraded roadside verges.
for optimising the soil quality for lawns, sown seeds and rolled turf.
A second-generation coated fertilizer with controlled release.
A second-generation coated fertilizer with controlled release.
An all purpose fertilizer designed to deliver long-term nutrition.
A bioactive growth promoter and soil improver with humic acids.
Bioaktiver Wachstumsförderer und Bodenverbesserer.
A liquid speciality fertilizer for trees, with important main nutrients.
With ideal nutrient ratio for trees in the city.
To improve plant resistance, growth and health. 100% organic.
Based on brown algae with magnesium and sulfur.
To improve the soil ventilation of cemetery soils.