STOCKOSORB® is a water-retention granulate with hydrogels, used in many horticultural applications. It stores water in larger quantities, minimizes losses due to infiltration, evaporation, and runoff, and ensures the yield potential of soils and substrates. It is characterized by high cycle stability and long durability. Ensuring the survival of plants in the long term in drought and adverse soil conditions.
Drought and unfavorable soil conditions pose a challenge for trees, shrubs, grasses, and plants. In situations where an irrigation system cannot be installed, it is crucial that the soil is capable of storing rainwater over an extended period.
STOCKOSORB® is a water-retention granulate with hydrogels used in horticultural situations. It stores water in higher quantities and minimizes the loss of water and nutrients due to infiltration, evaporation, and surface runoff. Additionally, it ensures the yield potential of soils and substrates. With its high cycle stability and long lifespan, STOCKOSORB® helps save water more effectively, bridge dry periods, and reduce costs.
Increases the water retention capacity of soils and substrates
Reduces irrigation frequency
Ensures successful plant establishment
Enables plant growth in dry locations
Has long-term effects
Environmentally friendly
Sustains plant growth activation
The sandy soil, in terms of water capacity and availability, becomes similar to loamy soil after treatment with STOCKOSORB®. Evaporation is reduced by about 20%, and the plant has more water available, suffering less from drought stress. The water stored in the soil can thus be maximally used for productive transpiration.
Plant biomass
Durch die Anwendung von STOCKOSORB® bleibt der Boden länger feucht, was das Pflanzenwachstum fördert. Die Zugabe von STOCKOSORB® (4 g/l Sandboden) führt zu einem dreifach höheren Zuwachs im Spross (gemessen in Zentimetern) und einer Verdreifachung der Wurzelmasse (Gramm pro Tonne). Diese Ergebnisse zeigen die Effektivität von STOCKOSORB® bei der Förderung des Pflanzenwachstums und der Bodengesundheit.
Soil compaction
STOCKOSORB® acts like a soil colloid: Hydrogels swell when they absorb water, reducing soil density by 23.4%. During dry periods, they shrink, form stable cavities, and improve the soil structure. This loose structure is maintained, facilitating root penetration, loosening the soil, and allowing healthier plants to thrive.
The pore volume of the soil treated with STOCKOSORB® (3 g/l soil) increases by 40.5% compared to untreated soil. This makes the soil looser, allows water to pass through more easily, and prevents waterlogging in the root zone. The low sensitivity to moisture also reduces clumping when mixing with substrates.
Die Universität Hohenheim in Stuttgart untersuchte 2010 die Überlebensrate von Rasenpflanzen mit und ohne STOCKOSORB®. Das Wasserspeichergranulat wird vor der Aussaat ausgebracht und in die Vegetationsschicht von ca. 15 cm Tiefe eingearbeitet. Dadurch erhöht sich das Wasserspeichervermögen des Substrats signifikant und verbessert die Überlebensrate der Rasenpflanzen während der Keimphase.
The University of Göttingen, Institute of Forest Botany, confirm the benefits of STOCKOSORB®.
Soil: Sandy soil in a 30L container
Plants: Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis)
Variants: Sandy soil without STOCKOSORB® 3g/l – Sandy soil with STOCKOSORB® 4g/l
Watering: Regular watering for 4 and 8 weeks, followed by no further watering
Climate: Greenhouse with 30 - 40% humidity/30°C – Chamber with 30% humidity/27°C
We are happy to answer all your questions. Below you will find the most frequently asked questions about STOCKOSORB®.
STOCKOSORB® – Water retainer with potassium fertilizing effect (>24% K²O total). It stores up to 300 times its own volume of water and makes it available to plants; used in landscaping and agriculture for over 20 years. Chemically: Crosslinked homoacrylate based on potassium.
What distinguishes STOCKOSORB® from other absorbers?
The main difference is typically the chemical composition. Often, hydrogels are designed only to store water but not release it (e.g., in diapers). Additionally, there are absorbers based on sodium, which can salt the soil and only have a limited duration of effectiveness.
Where is the use of STOCKOSORB® beneficial?
In principle, STOCKOSORB® is beneficial for all plantings where the goal is to increase the water retention capacity of soils and substrates, bridge dry periods, and improve plant establishment success.
Does the use of STOCKOSORB® save costs?
Yes, scientific studies and the experiences of our customers have shown:
- Up to 60% reduction in watering sessions - Prevents plant failures - Reduces fertilizer usage
How long does STOCKOSORB® last?
With full performance, STOCKOSORB® lasts for about 5 years. After that, the granules are scientifically proven to be biologically decomposed in the soil.
We are here to assist.
Christoph Pösken | Specialist in Arboriculture / Consultant for Tree Care & Restoration
As a tree care expert, Christoph is your go-to contact for all matters related to "Trees and Construction Sites." Reach out to him for advice and questions about trunk protection and root care. He looks forward to connecting with you and sharing valuable practical tips.